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Alison L. Schmidt, Ph.D., BCC

Critical Questions Every Leader or Business Owner Should Pose to Themselves.

By Dr. Alison Schmidt, CEO of unconvention

As the CEO of UNCONVENTION, there are three questions I periodically reflect upon to strive and challenge myself to be the highest, truest expression of the leader—and person—that I can be. 

1. How can I contribute with my talents?

2. How can I deliver the best possible service to my clients?

3. What brings me fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness?

I write down my answers in a dedicated notebook, and it is interesting to observe the ebb and flow of my answers, the patterns and rhythms of my purpose. By consistently reflecting upon and addressing these questions, I am confident that I can create a meaningful impact in both my life and the lives of my clients. 

If you are a person who strives for excellence and service as I do, you can ask and answer the same questions, or modify them to more meaningfully match your own process.

For example, in commencement speeches delivered at Spelman (2012) and Harvard University (2013), which I happened to come across again the other day (they’ve held up beautifully!), Oprah Winfrey, a leader who continuously inspires, shared some questions and guideposts of her own. 

She suggested that the graduates ask themselves, “Who am I? What do I want?” She urged them to always do the right thing, and to find a way to serve and make a genuine difference in others’ lives, as these are the things that determine greatness. 

She spoke of the importance of having some kind of vision and/or direction for your life, even if they don’t yet know the full plan. "You want to be in the driver’s seat of your own life,” she stressed, “because if you are not, life will drive you.” 

As our careers progress and our perspectives on the world and our role within it mature, the interpretations and solutions to these questions can ever evolve.

Inspired by this sage wisdom, some other questions you might periodically ask yourself are:

1. Who am I and what do I really want?

2. In what ways might I best serve, and can I really make a difference?

3. Even if I don’t yet know the plan, what is my vision and/or desired general direction? 

Please take a moment and share some of your questions—and answers—in the comments below.

About unconvention™ 

unconvention is a unique, high-level consultancy focused on guiding business owners, teams, boards, and organizations lead and succeed in new and distinctive ways. If you or your business strives for excellence, we are ready to support you at:

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